Privacy Policy

GOURMEIVA COFFEE (hereinafter GOURMEIVA), accepting and complying with the provisions of Art. 66 numeral 19 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador: “The right to the protection of data of a personal nature, which includes access to and decision on information and data of this nature, as well as their corresponding protection. The collection, archiving, processing, distribution or dissemination of this data or information shall require the authorization of the holder or the mandate of the law.”The Company, as well as the provisions of the Organic Law on Data Protection, adopts and applies this Policy for the processing of personal data.

GOURMEIVA declares that it guarantees the privacy, rights to privacy, and the good name of individuals during the process of processing personal data in all the activities it performs and provides, subject to the principles of confidentiality, protection and security, consent, legality, relevance and necessity, access and correction, and transparency.

GOURMEIVA undertakes not to disclose the information of its USERS that is entered or transferred to our company.

Personal information is one of the most important assets, therefore, the treatment of this information is carried out with great care and in compliance with the law, guaranteeing individuals the full exercise of their rights, recognizing the mechanisms of protection, access and respecting their right to the protection of personal data.

The information contained in the company’s database has been obtained with the consent of the user in the development of GOURMEIVA’s activity. They have been and will always be compiled in accordance with the criteria and legal regulations in force.

What personal data do we collect and why do we collect it?

GOURMEIVA collects the personal information of its USERS such as name, address, telephone, payment method and email, among others, when the USERS make the purchase of a product. The purposes that will be given to this data will be for identification, registration and contact of users; sending news, updates or information that might be of interest to you; among others.

When users browse GOURMEIVA’s eCommerce, the company automatically receives the USER’s computer Internet Protocol (IP) address, providing information that helps to learn about the USER’s browser and operating system. With the consent of each USER, GOURMEIVA will send emails with information about its services and other news.

The processing of personal data is based on the consent of the user who, in addition, authorizes that the personal data collected may be transferred to any third party that GOURMEIVA may require for its processing, storage and/or custody.

Personal data will be kept until the purpose for which it was collected is fulfilled or until the user exercises the right to rectification, opposition or deletion. After this the data will be deleted, if no longer apply retention periods or other legal reasons for their conservation; both in the database of GOURMEIVA and those who have been commissioned their treatment.

Processing of Personal Data

In addition to the purposes detailed above, we inform you that, by accepting this policy, you authorize that this data may be processed for marketing activities, communication of products and services, promotional information, statistics, research, invitation to events organized or sponsored by GOURMEIVA and other commercial purposes that are in accordance with the law.

We may periodically send you e-mails through our site with special offers, new services and other information that we think may be relevant to you. These emails will be sent to the address you provide and may be cancelled at any time.

Additionally, when necessary, GOURMEIVA may request additional specific information through other communication channels, such as phones, emails or applications. This policy shall also apply to these channels.

The website does not collect any personal data automatically so the only data we will have are those that you have provided voluntarily, which will be taken as truthful.

Failure to provide your personal data or providing incorrect or inaccurate data will mean that you will not receive news, legal updates or other information that may be of interest to you.

Scope of the Data Protection Policy


The Personal Data Protection Policy of GOURMEIVA shall apply to all the Databases and/or files containing Personal Data, which for GOURMEIVA are object of treatment as responsible and/or in charge of the treatment of Personal Data.


GOURMEIVA is physically located at the following address: Condado, Av. Ricardo Descalzi and L Street, Quito Ecuador. In addition, the company has the following e-mail address as a means of contact:

Rights of Owners

The owners of the personal data are the natural persons whose personal data are subject to processing by GOURMEIVA.

In accordance with the provisions of the current applicable regulations on data protection, the following are the rights of the holders of personal data, which may be exercised at any time:

  1. Access, know, update and rectify the personal data on which GOURMEIVA is performing the Processing. Likewise, the holder may request at any time, that their data be updated or rectified when they find that their data is partial, incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, misleading, or those whose treatment has not been authorized or is expressly prohibited.
  2. Be informed by GOURMEIVA, regarding the use that has been given to your personal data.
  3. To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the treatment does not respect the principles, rights, and constitutional and legal guarantees.
  4. To request proof of the authorization granted to GOURMEIVA for the processing of data, by any valid means, except in cases where the authorization is not necessary.
  5. Access and consult, free of charge, your personal data subject to processing.

Update, Correct, Correct, Correct or Delete the Data Subject's Data

The holder of the personal and sensitive data may request to GOURMEIVA by means of an email to that his/her data be requested, updated, corrected, rectified or deleted, if he/she so wishes or if he/she considers that there is non-compliance with any of the duties in the General Regime of Protection of Personal Data or in the present Policy.

Likewise, the aforementioned holder may exercise his/her right to opposition and/or portability by sending his/her request to the e-mail address mentioned in the previous paragraph.

In order to update, correct, rectify or delete data, as well as to exercise his/her rights regarding personal and sensitive data, the Data Subject must submit a request to the data controller or data processor, indicating:

  1. Full name and identification of the owner of the data.
  2. Detailed description of the facts giving rise to the request.
  3. Location data of the owner such as address, province, city and contact telephone number.
  4. Description of the procedure you wish to carry out (update, correction, rectification, suppression, opposition or portability).
  5. And if you consider it necessary to attach supporting documents (this item is optional).

Once the request of the holder of the personal data has been received at the e-mail address indicated with all the points indicated, it will be filled out and sent to the person responsible or in charge of the treatment, who in a term no longer than five (5) working days from the date of its receipt, will give an answer and solution to the request.

If the holder does not comply with the aforementioned points, the holder (sender of the mail) will be requested to correct the requirements within five (5) days from the date of receipt. If after fifteen (15) days have elapsed since the holder has been requested to comply with the established requirements, and no response is received or the holder insists on the procedure, it will be considered as a waiver of the request.

Scope of Application

The policies for the treatment of Personal Data must be known and applied by all officers, employees, departments, customers and suppliers of GOURMEIVA.

Policy Consultation

The Personal Data Protection Policy will be announced, presented and available on the official GOURMEIVA “
“The Policy will be easily consulted and accessed by the general public.

Changes in the Policy or Privacy Notice

The Privacy and Data Processing Policies will always be available on the website. Therefore, any substantial change in the same will be informed through this same means or to the holder’s e-mail address in our database, if deemed necessary. Substantial changes will be reported in a timely manner through the same virtual medium.

Social Networking

Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok, are complementary platforms for the dissemination of information (communication), which are of great interconnection of digital media users and are not under the responsibility of GOURMEIVA for being outside the company.

All information that users provide on social networks in which GOURMEIVA participates, as a user does not constitute or form part of the Personal Data subject to the protection of this Policy, being the full responsibility of the company providing that platform.


A cookie refers to a file that is sent with the purpose of requesting permission to be stored on your computer, when you accept this file is created and the cookie is then used to have information regarding web traffic and also facilitates future visits to a recurring website. Another function that cookies have is that with them the websites can recognize you individually and therefore provide you with the best personalized service on their website.

Our website uses cookies to identify which pages are visited and how often. This information is used only for statistical analysis and then the information is permanently deleted. You can delete cookies at any time from your computer. However, cookies help provide a better service from websites, they do not give access to information from your computer or from you, unless you choose to provide it directly to a website. You can accept or deny the use of cookies, however, most browsers automatically accept cookies as it serves to have a better web service. You can also change the settings on your computer to decline cookies. If declined, you may not be able to use some of our services.

Third party links

This website may contain links to other sites that may be of interest to you. Once you click on these links and leave our site, we no longer have control over the site to which you are redirected and therefore are not responsible for the terms or protection of your data on those other third party sites.